Day & Ki | Neskowin Engagement

A sweet and sunny engagement session in Neskowin, Oregon.

Day & Ki reached out to me in late 2019 to book an elopement on the Oregon Coast. When we spoke on the phone, we instantly all hit it off and I knew right away that working with them would be an absolute blast.

What we didn’t know was that a global pandemic would rock our world only a few months later. Day and Ki returned to their home state for a few months and when they returned, despite the uncertainty of the world, they were ready to jump into action with planning things. Day was an absolute hoot to watch plan. She was an avid Pinterest board creator and consistently shared with me her ideas and plans for the big day. Her creativity and passion to make her day with Ki the most intimate, special and beautiful elopement possible was so fun and exciting to be apart of.

Because things had been a little odd with planning (due to the pandemic) they didn’t do engagement photos until the morning of their big day! You heard that right. An entire day of photos for these two. Day & Ki were eloping at Proposal Rock, so they wanted to do the session nearby. We chose the Ghost Forest on the Oregon Coast and away we went.

It was so fun to watch their love authentically reveal itself and I felt honored to witness their kindness and gentleness with one another. It was truly the perfect morning for such sweet photos to take place.

See the photos from their elopement later that day here.
