Blackburn Family | McMenamins Edgefield Family Photos
Child, Fall Time, Fall, Family, family, OregonShelby LeeFamily, family, Fall, Oregon, Edgef, Portraits, portraits, portland, Columbia Gorge
The Siriannis | McMenamins Edgefield Fall Family Photos
Child, Fall, Fall Time, family, Family, Oregon, portraits, Portraits, SummerShelby Leefamily, McMenamins Edgefield, Oregon, Fall, portraits, Portirats
Baby Debozy | Meinig Park Maternity Photos
Fall, Fall Time, Family, family, Maternity, Oregon, portraits, Portraits, newborn, NewbornShelby LeePortraits, portraits, Family, Maternity, Portland, Oregon, Newborn
The Vaughns | Columbia Gorge Latourell Falls Engagement Photos
Fall, Fall Time, Oregon, Portraits, portraitsShelby LeePortraits, portraits, Oergon, portland, Portland, Latourell Fals, Columbia Gorge
Haven & Luis | Spooky Session
Fall, Fall Time, Oregon, portraits, PortraitsShelby LeePortraits, portraits, spooky, halloween, oregon, portland
Amanda & Danny | Rowena Crest Columbia Gorge Engagement
Engagement, Fall Time, Oregon, portraits, Portraits, CouplesShelby LeePortraits, portraits, Engagement, Rowena Crest, Oregon, Columbia Gorge